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I have something to say to those who said to us, when we told you that cryptocurrency was a tulip mania style bubble built on bluster, bullshit and suckers, that we didn’t understand and were just bitter about missing out. It is as follows:


in reply to Sarah Brown

Also so is "AI", often involving the same people. I mean, Elon Musk has got involved, that alone should tell you it's all hype.
in reply to Rev. Roger BW 😷

I keep seeing an interview of Musk promoting AI on YouTube recently, and it's left me with only one question.

Why do so many of Musk's video appearances look like mediocre deepfakes?

in reply to Sarah Brown

@duckwhistle Some of those people can learn to do social interaction. Some can't. And some don't bother because they're rich enough that they can get away with it.
in reply to Sarah Brown

Interesting commentary recently by Patrick Boyle mentioning a lot of people are linking this "era of scam" (crypto, AI, drop-shipping, passive income, etc) to moral hazard effects of the 2008 bailouts.

My understanding of it is that many in the US (which seems to be worst affected) went into 2008 thinking money was somehow a proxy for your "score at life" but came out of it thinking wealth was some kind of puzzle box to be cracked.

in reply to Sarah Brown

There is one good use for cryptocurrencies - crime.

Which is the only reason I can conceive of that Bitcoin has risen all this year. After we destroy most of our ecosystem, Bitcoin will be seen by the survivors as one of the many signs of the collective mental illness of our society.

in reply to Sarah Brown

I like it when Doctorow says,
If someone's paycheck depends on them not getting something,
Those folks are going to go out of their way not to understand it.