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Have tech thing

Get error code on tech thing

Google for list of error codes

It's a video












Scream in ADHD

in reply to Sarah Brown

finally a use case for AI: watch this shit for me and tell me if he ever gets to the point (and what it is, if coherent). Problem is that it might drive the AI mad as well and we end up in the robot uprising
in reply to Rachel Greenham

@Rachel Greenham @Sarah Brown Halting problem: does this program ever end? YouTube problem: does this human?
in reply to Alexandra Lanes

@ajlanes there'll be a time when Youtube Longs can be made to loop like YouTube Shorts, and people will be vying to make videos where it's hard to tell that it's even happened.
in reply to Rachel Greenham

@StrangeNoises @ajlanes How about having a coherent list of error codes and what does they mean instead of heaps of barely useful videos, infuriating ms support pages and quora paywalled articles or a frigging AI?
in reply to Sarah Brown

run to settings. Try captions. Try X2 speed. Try searching for non video info. ANYTHING.
in reply to Sarah Brown

1.5x is my normal YT watching speed. This has sometimes had unexpected consequences, e.g. when I finish watching something technical and it cues up some music videos afterwards.

Still, this is how I found out that at 1.25x, "Don't Look Back In Anger" by Oasis is infinitely better than at the soi-disant "correct" speed.

in reply to Sarah Brown

Argh slow speech. My mind wanders between each word.

In discussion with friend who prefers instructional videos: yes sometimes you need to watch what to do, but most of the time gimme the text. It should be an alternative for many (most?) things.

in reply to Sarah Brown

Me: needs a solution to something in whatever game I'm currently playing

Searches internet for solution

Ten minute video for something that will take seconds, riddled with ads and the most annoying voiceover ever

Also screams in ADHD

in reply to Sarah Brown

Have to download a file -- the link in the description is to a Google Drive that's long gone...
in reply to Sarah Brown

you have managed to perfectly convey this feeling in this post. kudos.

If it helps: If the video has a transcript (next to the description) you can search that with ctrl f. But it is still a video, the least dense form of this kind of information.

in reply to Sarah Brown

i hate that....

People talking slow, and taking 5 minutes to get to the advice and then the advice is shit