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Europe is full of centre right and centre left parties who, rather than oppose far right scapegoating of minorities, have adopted a position of, “those guys are right, don’t vote for them”.

To their incredible surprise, this isn’t working.

in reply to Dr. Stefan Björk Ψ

@drbjork This is especially important for center-right/center-left parties since they've been in basically unquestionable power for many many decades.
in reply to pettter

And now they can't deal with not being in power. I've been frustrated about this for years. Where are the political parties that talk about the society they WANT instead of pointing fingers at right wing extremists and saying "thirs is surely what you DON'T WANT".
in reply to Dr. Stefan Björk Ψ

This happens when people only vote for major parties. Happens in all western countries, the major parties do not have to provide anything anymore because people been voting for the lesser evil all the time. At one point, one of the parties will become a dictator. That's where the US is standing now.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Dr. Stefan Björk Ψ

@drbjork @pettter I think this is something about making themselves the smallest possible target for attack by the other mainstream parties.
in reply to pettter

How come far-left parties never get a go, then? How come there's never headlines of national-UBI-advocating radicals taking power?

@drbjork @goatsarah

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to argv minus one

@argv_minus_one Occasionally they do, but since they are an actual threat to the existing order, they tend to either get infiltrated, subsumed and taken over, externally and internally countered in various material and propagandistic ways by capital and imperialist powers, or outright removed through physical force by same. @drbjork @goatsarah
in reply to pettter

@pettter @argv_minus_one @drbjork For instance, I'm no fan of Spain's Podemos but you read their story and the dirty war waged on them (basicly through a far right judiciary and sell out mass media), man, you'll see it all. The party onced rocked the scene, so the establishment for a brief period worried, pulled the strings and dealt with them. Now they're on their way to irrelevance. They did their part with lots of mistakes but no way they'd've lost so much base just on their own.
in reply to kikebenlloch

Similar story with Syriza in Greece, but then with the EU central bank and various EU big state governments. They deliberately crashed the greek economy into the ground to 'teach them a lesson', presumably the lesson was 'don't you fucking dare elect a leftist government'. @argv_minus_one @drbjork @goatsarah
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to pettter

@kikebenlloch Wait a few years and you have honest-to-god Nazis doing marches and getting the third highest vote share in the parliament. @argv_minus_one @drbjork @goatsarah
in reply to pettter

@pettter @argv_minus_one @drbjork I think so. It's a process with its steps. You don't get full nazi massacres on day one. But are we slowly having the post-WW2 welfare societies eroded towards rampant fascism? Well...
in reply to pettter

@pettter @argv_minus_one @drbjork Exactly, I didn't bring up the example of Greece (now on their way to 6 work-day weeks) on purpose because my knwoledge of it is limited, but your description fits my recollections from the time, how the chessboard was properly shaken by the powers that be. You cannot beat them at their game, the amount of resources at their disposal is huge.
in reply to argv minus one

In addition to what the other person said, most nullify themselves by attacking the divisions within their own movement. Something that also allows them to be infiltrated.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to InkySchwartz

@InkySchwartz The people, united, will never be defeated. Hence why such an incredible amount of resources is used to ensure that this unity is as far away as possible. @argv_minus_one @drbjork @goatsarah
in reply to Sarah Brown

During the EU election the German green party had some posters with a main slogan like "Your vote against right".
Like they had no own program but were only an alternative to the so called alternative for Germany.
Very irritating.
in reply to Sarah Brown

IMO all humans are idiots.
There is an idiot scale of 1 to 11 and we are all on that scale.
There is no zero, because you can't have a person that isn't an idiot.
It goes up to 11 to make the scale 10 points long and also a tribute to Spinal Tap who were, yes you guessed it, idiots (well fictional idiots).
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