Did the Dale Mountain Rescue 9 edges challenge yesterday.
Uploaded my results to Strava.
Apparently the climb from the A57 to High Neb has me on the leaderboard as the 4th fastest middle aged woman.
I imagine this will annoy a "certain group".
In 30 degree heat too!
Sarah Brown
in reply to Sarah Brown • •Oh, my mistake. It's not middle aged women.
It's all women.
in reply to Sarah Brown • • •Sarah Brown
in reply to pingter • •Sarah Brown
in reply to Sarah Brown • •Also I ws eating a sandwich while doing it.
Tl;dr: I am fucking quick up hills.
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Sarah Brown
Unknown parent • •@Alisdair Calder McGregor Cambridge destroyed my hill fitness.
But Lagos; Lagos is hilly, and hot.
Going up hills in heat I can do.