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Those of you who remember early Grange Hill— what on earth was that logo supposed to be? I can kind of get an H out of it, but what's the thing like a wilted swastika?
in reply to marnanel

I see a G, H and S there, so presumably Grange Hill School/Secondary? (I was never a fan!)
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to marnanel

GHS for Grange Hill School. Capital G with a tail -- don't see many of those around any more.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Sion [main]

@sparrowsion I agree. Somehow missed your reply when adding my own along the same lines. I did try checking, I think it must have been federation wotsits.
in reply to marnanel

gHS maybe? Grange Hill School with the G warped to match the S?
in reply to marnanel

Freaky King George style G on the left, H in the middle, S on the right = Grange Hill School.
in reply to marnanel

"At the Sign of the Flying Sausage" (GH obsessives may get that reference)

It's not quite in traditional monogram embroidery order, but that has a depressingly gendered/patriarchal history that deserves worse than a "Flippin' 'eck, Tucker!"

in reply to marnanel

@marnanel I always pronounced it as “school string” in my head as a kid.
in reply to marnanel

all the people saying "school" are wrong. It's clearly Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. There were no Ravenclaws.
in reply to marnanel

GHS, I think. Grange Hill School? The right angle in the left-hand snake is clearly trying to achieve something.