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in reply to Sarah Brown

Bem jogado, Sarah. Vai, você!

Mrs. Bison and I have seriously considered moving to Portugal in the past — but if you can work your magic on the Republican Party, we will happily remain in the U.S. except to buy you a frango and a Sagres.
in reply to Sarah Brown

British political bullshit

I don't think it would be a bad thing to start the demise of the UK.

Start with the Sax Coburg Gotha family and move down.

Earls, baronets and their female equivalents. Lords and ladies next followed by the entire Tory party.

in reply to MacropodCarer: Verified 🌈🦘🦣

British political bullshit
@MacropodCare it's not only a good thing, but a NECESSARY thing.
Someday we'll see the word "British" like we see the word "Soviet"
in reply to Sarah Brown

Wow, this is a fascinating piece of the puzzle on how we got here..!
in reply to Sarah Brown

thank you for trying to make the world a better place. I am starting to dispare at the state of my island
in reply to Sarah Brown

I think if it boils down to this, you'll never have to buy your own drinks ever again.
in reply to Sarah Brown

I think we can give "feminist" transphobes some credit too. They seem determined to destroy everything in the service of opposing trans people sorting their paperwork.
in reply to Sarah Brown

I fully support Scotland becoming independent, but fail to understand how this could lead to the break up or at least the referendum which is being denied right now? Is there a quick and simple explanation you could provide?
in reply to MissScott01

@MissScott01 it's the first time the UK parliament has overruled the Scottish parliament on devolved matters, so it is certainly a constitutional crisis
in reply to Alistair Davidson

@moh_kohn @MissScott01 it's completely insane that in 2023 there's Scottish, Welsh, NI parliaments - but not a dedicated English one.

Federalism could and should have been underway decades ago.

in reply to escapadesrpg

@escapadesrpg An English parliament would force them to confront the fact that Britain is not England. The Empire mentality would not let them countenance such an outrage.
in reply to escapadesrpg

@escapadesrpg The Tories get few MPs in Scotland and Wales. If I was English, my worry would be that an English parliament would be permanently Tory.
in reply to technohippy

If it were elected by any form of PR it wouldn't, plus they're overdue for a split anyway

I've been opposed for ages because it would inevitably break the UK up but I think that's now a lost cause, getting one sooner rather than later would end Westminster, if Scotland leaves we're stuck with FPTP but if we get an EP quick we can ditch Westminster claptrap as well

in reply to escapadesrpg

@escapadesrpg @moh_kohn @MissScott01 England too big, too recent and way too unequal. Federating around the old 'kingdoms' more meaningful I think
in reply to gri malkin

@gri @moh_kohn @MissScott01 for sure there are still huge cultural variations. But E&W is a legal unity. Well, except for the whole parliament thing.
in reply to escapadesrpg

@escapadesrpg @moh_kohn @MissScott01 being lumped together was hardly a bottom-up choice though and a thousand or so years on still resisted
in reply to escapadesrpg

@escapadesrpg @moh_kohn @MissScott01 a federated state where one state has a population of 56m and the others of between 2 and 5.5m is not balanced. Dividing by the old kingdoms can help address that without drawing completely arbitrary lines on a map and winding everyone up
in reply to clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛

They recognised that and took steps to try and resolve, any organisation that can't reflect and adapt is surely doomed.

Just look at the MET police, they have serious issues but refuse to face and tackle those issues robustly and head on, Even with change of leadership the rot was set in.

in reply to clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛

Apparently the reason for the name is, back in the 80s, when they were former, they wanted a hand people could put on cheques for donations without outing themselves. The Stonewall riot was not well known in the UK then.
in reply to Sarah Brown

That is the thing about working on policy and legislation to make the world better, it is often tedious and can seem futile but you can set big things in motion if you hang in and do good work with purpose
Unknown parent

friendica (DFRN) - Link to source
Sarah Brown

At the moment, to get a GRC you have to show evidence of having been transitioned for 2 years (so updated passport, driving licence, gas bills, etc), and submit a load of medical reports. The only thing a GRC really affects is marital status, so it's absurd that it's harder to update it than it is to update, e.g., a passport.

They wanted to bring the requirements for getting as GRC more in line with the ones for getting a passport.

It's a really boring administrative change that has almost no effect on anybody, but a bunch of weirdoes LOST THEIR FUCKING MINDS over it.

in reply to Sarah Brown

Another way of looking at it is that you could end up being one of the founders of a modern, independent Scotland. Not bad for a bit of committee surfing.
in reply to Sarah Brown

Lovely introdiction, lovely development, lovely end. Count me in your team.
in reply to Sarah Brown

I love the idea that the British empire will be destroyed by a conspiracy of queer folks 😄
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
Giselle's very old account
@jeanniebrady There is a link in this thread, bit higher up.
in reply to Sarah Brown

Well done you 😀. Hopefully Scotland will cast off the shackles of the UK failed state and we can reinstate a better version of the GRR bill in consultation with the trans community.
in reply to Sarah Brown

Thank you for your efforts; pity that those in power decided to push the culture wars narrative instead of doing anything constructive. We're on the same journey, trying to decide whether it's going to be safe for my daughters to stay in the UK or whether we should move elsewhere; I think things will get better, but can understand why any trans person would want to leave.
in reply to Sarah Brown

Congrats on being the catalyst for the demise of the United Kingdom!
in reply to Sarah Brown

I just arrived in Edinburgh. One of the first things I saw was a “Trans rights now” badge on the tram. I’m a straight cos male. For the life of me I can’t see why anyone would object to someone identifying as another gender. And as an Englishman it boils my piss that the Westminster Government has chosen this issue to take on Holyrood
in reply to Sarah Brown

I was totally flabbergasted by this news and even more so now that I read your short-short history behind it.

(mind that I think Scotland's better of in that other Union anyway)

in reply to Sarah Brown

thank you for your service to destabilizing colonial powers by giving people a tiny increase in personal agency and justice in their lives. ❤️
Unknown parent

friendica (DFRN) - Link to source
Sarah Brown

The Gender Recognition Act literally is amending marriage rules. That’s what it does.

It was introduced in 2004 to deal with the 1970s legal decision that annulled April Ashley’s marriage to a member of the British nobility and thus created a situation where trans people effectively couldn’t get married for 3 decades.

I honestly have no idea why you and a whole bunch of people go on about prisons. It’s not got shit to do with any of that.

in reply to Sarah Brown

I wish it was that easy, but I doubt the entire Arabian Peninsula is a no-go area.

Maybe getting Germany to finally do overdue #SelfID legislation and force Poland and Hungary to undo reactionary and facist shit would be interesting...

So how's your rate?

in reply to Sarah Brown

Awesome story. Thanks for all your work on behalf of human rights.
in reply to Sarah Brown

you know, that might actually be a good outcome of a pretty sorry situation!
in reply to Sarah Brown

You've done the world a favor.

Can you repeat your magic in America?

It's been two years and zero coup leaders are in prison. At this point, the republic clearly doesn't deserve to survive.

in reply to Sarah Brown

Aotearoa New Zealand had a similar story. A simple change to NZ's Births Deaths Marriages and Relationships Registration Act (#BDMRR Act) was introduced to reduce administrative requirements for registering a change of gender on a birth certificate. Law change was proceeding quietly thru Parliament when anti-trans activists lobbied politicians against this "radical change". The Minister withdrew the Bill and set up a Committee to work on a the issue…
in reply to Kay

Following the Committee's report a revised #BDMRR Bill was introduced and floodgates opened for submissions from LGBTQI+ supporters and anti-trans activists and a range of bystanders. Not as many submissions as on the related #ConversionTherapy #ConversionPractices Prohibition Bill that followed but lots of overlap of content and submitters.

Don't worry, both Bills passed in NZ but it was an anxious time for LGBTIQ+ community…

in reply to 𝕂ℕ𝔽 𝕀𝕆𝕆 ☎️

Thanks. Its unexpected popularity has caused quite a bit of trauma to my poor little friendica server though. It’s mostly died down now (occasionally getting a bunch of new shares which causes an hour or so of work, given it has to notify the 1300+ people who’ve already shared it), but initially it caused my server to run several hours behind for a couple of days.
in reply to Sarah Brown

in reply to Hecate

The culture war bastards ignore Portugal. Everyone ignores Portugal. Sometimes it's good to be ignored.