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Dental implant post crown fitting 2 week review: totally excellent. Absolutely worth the months of bullshit. Would do again if I lost another tooth. Expensive but worth it.
in reply to Sarah Brown

Water Pik daily! Clean food out of those crevices.
in reply to Mark vW

@Mark vW my WP660 just arrived this morning. Holy shit! My teeth are now so clean and my bathroom is so wet.
in reply to Sarah Brown

@Sarah Brown @Mark vW Wow, this is a whole world of dental care I was not aware of! (And actually relevant to my interests because I can never get interdental brushes in the tiny gaps between my teefs.)
in reply to Alexandra Lanes

@ajlanes @markvonwahlde The dentist who did my implant (not my regular surgery) gave me one as a parting/Christmas present. *Way* easier than interdentals (which in turn are way easier than trad floss).

The tip/trick I was given was to use it in the shower/bath, then it doesn't matter so much about controlling where the water goes.

in reply to Sion [main]

@sparrowsion @ajlanes @markvonwahlde yep, failed to floss for years then discovered the waterpik and it all became trivial.
in reply to Sion [main]

@Sion [main] @Alexandra Lanes @Mark vW Stone floor with underfloor heating. Getting wet not actually a problem, thankfully.
in reply to Sarah Brown

my dentist's advice was (paraphrased) that my gums and jaw are crap, and I'd lose implants like the several teeth I've lost.
(Teeth themselves are good, no fillings ever, but that doesn't really help.)
The remaining ones seem more secure though, gums have improved a lot.
in reply to Alan Braggins

@Alan Braggins there are things they can do about the bone. I needed bone regeneration because it was 4 years since the tooth was pulled. My surgeon specialises in it, and the X-rays when he put the implant in (covered over with gum) and then 4 months later, were quite different. The first showed an implant protruding into the soft tissue between the jaw and sinus, barely held in place. The second showed the same implant utterly surrounded by brand new bone.

It might be worth talking to someone who specialises in it. We get a lot of dental tourism here in the Algarve because it’s cheaper but you’re still getting top notch EU trained doctors and surgeons (mine studied in London and spent the start of his career doing surgery for the NHS before returning home to Portugal and a decent climate).

in reply to Sarah Brown

@Sarah Brown @Alan Braggins It's a pity you can't get new AL licences, or there'd be an excellent market in providing dental holidays.