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American companies on Facebook advertising clever carry on luggage and not publishing dimensions, or making it not fit in a 55*40*20cm cuboid, and wondering why nobody in Europe buys it.
in reply to Sarah Brown

THE BOX, motherfucker! WILL IT FIT IN THE BOX? Yes or fucking no?

… um, almost?


in reply to Sarah Brown

I commented on the ad.

The DMed me.

With the dimensions.

In fucking INCHES.

I ran them through a converter.

It doesn’t fit in the box.

This product is literally useless in Europe.

in reply to Sarah Brown

Wait, that's news to me… the max luggage dimensions are different here and in the US? I assume that was standardized.
in reply to Miguel Arroz

@arroz RyanAir's carry on policy makes you choose between a napkin, and another napkin for a long weekend in Paris.
in reply to Miguel Arroz

@Miguel Arroz Ryanair basically sets the standard here. They want to turn a plane round in 20 minutes which means the standard US “everyone spends five minutes playing luggage Tetris in the cabin” thing is right out.
in reply to Sarah Brown

@Sarah Brown @Miguel Arroz To be fair if you end up with your bag more than one locker back you end up doing that anyway.
in reply to Sarah Brown

I have an amazing "Carry On" training backpack that allows me to carry a laptop, regular clothes, training clothes, trainers and swim kit. Individual compartments, barriers, the works.

Designed specifically for the needs of travelling athletes.

Designed specifically for the needs of travelling American athletes.

Worked that out a bit late. Great domestic travel bag.

Unknown parent

friendica (DFRN) - Link to source
Sarah Brown
@Ghost of Hope Everyone who flies more than once a year in Europe recognises those dimensions.
Unknown parent

@Nicovel0 Yesterday I was watching a couple of YouTubes about why US car makers failed to sell their bloated gas guzzling cars in Europe and its a similar story of making products that just don’t fit anywhere else unless they have the wit and wisdom to set up locally and make products specifically for that market.
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source

@Nicovel0 @christineburns there's a video I can't find of a hill climb. It's up a streambed, ankle deep liquid mud. Rocks. REAL 4x4's sliding back down the hill

And some french farmer just boings one of them up, one handed, fag out the window* and roars off

* dramatic licence engaged

Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
@Nicovel0 @christineburns
They are, and they benefit from their lightness compared to suvs. However, they also have their brother on speeddial with a tractor if they do get stuck in the winter.