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I've defederated from most of the worst of the "Mastodon HOA", and most of what's left gives me a pleasant and constructive social media space mostly without the massive knee-jerk navel gazing.

But sometimes a bit of it breaks through and ... yeah. Let's just say that the reputation that the fediverse has amongst those who mock and caricature us isn't entirely undeserved.

in reply to Sarah Brown

That was my takeaway as the most prevalent comment about "Mastodon" on Bluesky (It's very difficult to tell if they're aware of wider Fedi software).

HOA is definitely a thing, though. I'm seeing it coming through now on Alt Text-ism, where people are becomig more aggressive about policing their fellow users and the ways in which they do it. Massively great cause, but being taken a touch too far now and feeding into that vibe which, according to many on Bluesky who tried here first, is putting people off being here. A real shame.

This entry was edited (4 months ago)
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@Uraael If I'm making main posts, I will go to the effort to add alt text. I recently did a long form blog with loads of images that didn't have it, which were all screenshots, and I don't always do it in personal or limited audience replies. Nobody gives me shit over that, possibly because of the scope of my interactions, or possibly because I've defederated from the worst offenders (especially that lot who are compiling the list of racists and trans women, but mostly trans women), or possibly because they know I'd just tell them to fuck off.
in reply to Sarah Brown

"knee-jerk navel gazing" is an excellently evocative metaphor.