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It’s been a week since my MMR and my immune system is noticing. Feel yuck. Joints hurt. Throat a bit swollen.

Although apparently live vaccines are really good for you, so there’s that.

Might be paracetamol time.

in reply to Johan Diederik

@Johan Diederik Yeah. Being Gen X I had a single dose measles vaccine and nothing for the other two.

Figured I ought to sort that out. They want me to take another one in 5 weeks.

in reply to Sarah Brown

OK, that’s clear. I actually don’t know my status. It may be good to find out. Have a nice Sunday and take care!
in reply to Sarah Brown

You're having such a different experience to me, I'm starting to think I've been given a placebo. Nothing about going back for a second shot, and I asked about side effects and the nurse said maybe a sore arm, nothing else, and I've not even had that.
in reply to Sion [main]

@Sion [main] She told me that I might feel rough after a few days and then get a swollen throat in 2 weeks.
in reply to Sarah Brown

Yeah, mine seems to be one of the few things about my body that works close to ideally. Never had a reaction to a flu jab, or any of the covid ones I've managed to get.
in reply to Sarah Brown

Ah, will watch out for the throat week after next then.

(Especially as as well as single-shot measles I actually had rubella as a child, so mumps is the only new one on my immune system.)

in reply to Nikkileah

@Nikkileah thanks. I was gonna say it’s not real, but it is. MMR is a live vaccine (3 live vaccines in a trench coat), but they’re toy diseases. Still annoying though.
in reply to Sarah Brown

Dear god, I feel like shite on a stick.

The perils of telling your immune system “that wanker over there spilled your pint!”

in reply to Sarah Brown

Oh. Light bulb moment.
I thought I'd managed to catch an atypical cold despite all the making and hand washing.
This makes more sense; I'm 11 days in and been feeling off for about the last 5.
Unknown parent

friendica (DFRN) - Link to source
Sarah Brown
@West Lawns no. This isn’t a redo. I’m too old to have had MMR as a child.
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
West Lawns
We had separate vaccines at school.
in reply to West Lawns

@West Lawns I had a single dose measles vaccine which is now regarded as insufficient. Nothing against mumps, and AIUI not rubella.