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in reply to Alexandra Lanes

Do you not have a Parish Councillor to vote for? 😄

No a more serious note, it's a nice day outside up here. Is it your way?

in reply to kæt

@kæt Relatively warm, bit of a breeze. This of course means the temperature is going to drop ten degrees overnight.
in reply to Alexandra Lanes

@kæt Mood keeps going up and down. Had @Sarah Brown and Syv around for tea earlier which was nice but I seem to have limited cope.
in reply to kæt

@chiffchaff police commissioner here, which is awful. Anyone off any stripe who wants to be in charge of the police is fash until proven otherwise in my book.
in reply to Sesquipedality

@sesquipedality I did vote for a police commissioner this time, though often I spoil the ballot. I've been less worried since it became clear they do nothing at all. But I should get back into the habit of spoiling.

I probably shouldn't have been told this, so I won't name names, but I've heard some hilarious Police Commissioner spoils from counters, from people venting about the police and their conduct to votes for Inspectors Morse, Frost, and Clouseau: it's a bit of an art-form, apparently, particularly for that particular post.

in reply to kæt

@chiffchaff @sesquipedality I did consider, as there are four candidates here, labelling the boxes A C A B