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in reply to Sarah Brown

Honestly, money isn’t why they do it. If it was only money that people like Elon and Joanne wanted, we’d have never heard from them again. They only wanted more power and influence.

It’s what happens to people when all their most fabulous dreams come true, but they realise they still live in a world that they despise, and which hates them back in equal measure.

in reply to Katie Fenn

@katiefenn Yeah. When you’ve stashed more money than you and your loved ones could possibly spend and you’re still compelled to go on screwing others to keep on stashing then it’s an indication of a hole inside that just can’t be filled. These people have a sickness and, far from wealth buying them freedom, it becomes a monster that takes them over and ensures they can’t be happy with ‘enough’.
in reply to Sarah Brown

Another example:…
in reply to Sarah Brown

"Money can't buy happiness" is what rich people say to gaslight those of us who don't have enough of it.
in reply to Sarah Brown

my mom always said, “money can’t buy happiness, but being poor sucks”
in reply to Sarah Brown

makes me wonder about the other rich people I've never heard of because they're just living rich and happy.
in reply to Iwillyeah

From "The Terrible People" by Ogden Nash:…

"The only incurable troubles of the rich are the troubles that money can’t cure,
Which is a kind of trouble that is even more troublesome if you are poor.
Certainly there are lots of things in life that money won’t buy, but it’s very funny -
Have you ever tried to buy them without money?"

in reply to Sarah Brown

it is necessary but not sufficient to have money in order to be able to buy happiness
in reply to Sarah Brown

Money can buy happiness, Musk doesn't know how to shop

"He chose... unwisely"

in reply to Sarah Brown

The people that say "money can't buy happiness" always have some stupid hobby that makes them sad instead of happy.
People with creative hobbies get happier with more money they have.
I have a dozens of things i want to do that i can't because i don't have money.

Elon bought a social media because people made fun of him there.

Mark spends his time stalking millions of people and running psyops with CIA.

Bill Gates is testing how awful a OS can be before people stop using it.

in reply to void

@void Bill Gates has been running that experiment since the 80s and, it turns out, he hasn’t come close to bottoming out yet.