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Just had a motorbike burning something in front. Caused the worst asthma attack I’d had in years. One of those “ventolin just saved my life” ones.

Apparently I went an interesting colour.

Unknown parent

Sarah Brown
@Baroque Mongoose I’m originally from Sheffield, and it’s one of those places where one feels one shouldn’t breathe through one’s mouth!
in reply to Sarah Brown

Blood oxygen 93%. Not great, not terrible. Taken more ventolin. Shaking a bit.
in reply to Sarah Brown

Is this the point where you need to see a doctor, or is it a getting clear and getting some rest situation?

Is your blood O2 going up or down?

in reply to Sarah Brown

Stay safe, and go see a doc if you feel you need to later. Hope the prick stops poisoning people.
in reply to Sarah Brown

How are you feeling? Still shaken, or has being able to catch your breath a little helped?
in reply to Sarah Brown

If you're not feeling any better once your blood oxygen is bad up and you've had some water it may be time to assess if you need medical attention

Not a doctor or owt and idk how available medical stuff is to you rn

in reply to Sarah Brown

Lots of blue smoke?

Too much two stroke oil...

I thought they'd banned two stroke bikes recently...

in reply to Ian Molton

@Ian Molton whatever it was, it caused an asthma attack with simultaneous laryngeal spasm.

Went from coughing and spluttering to acute hypoxia in seconds. Delightful.

in reply to Sarah Brown

eeep! Glad to see from later post you're getting better.
in reply to Sarah Brown

Body doing the whole, “surprised I’m not dead and am apparently uninjured, but am full of (synthetic) adrenaline and I don’t like it” thing.