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Random internet men can U not 2023

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in reply to Jay #FBPE 🇳🇱 🇪🇺 (Free 🇵🇸)

@Jay #FBPE 🇳🇱 🇪🇺 I’d go with “somewhat irritating”. Horrifying seems a little strong. Still, he got my unfiltered response because I haven’t drunk my morning tea yet.
in reply to Sarah Brown

“I wouldn’t fuck you if your life depended on it”

Reassuringly, it does not.

in reply to Sarah Brown

These jerks are living, breathing arguments for castration, they really are.

I'm so sorry you get this generally and got this one in particular.

in reply to Uraael

@Uraael Castration is actually rather pleasant in my experience.
in reply to Sarah Brown

We can absolutely look at making it hurt in these instances.
in reply to Sarah Brown

@Sarah Brown @Uraael CRUSH EMASCULATOR is either my favourite bit of veterinary equipment or a metal band.
in reply to Alexandra Lanes

@ajlanes @Uraael I never did quite manage to get one to use as a nutcracker at parties 😉
in reply to Alexandra Lanes

@ajlanes @Uraael The discussion of the crush technique for eunuch creation in the late classical world makes me feel distinctly queasy. Goodness knows what it's like for someone with a personal horror of less blunt interventions.
in reply to Sarah Brown

I wasn't aware there were any conditions for which such treatment is indicated
in reply to Sarah Brown

Got notifications that he sent two pics after that. Rather than looking at them, I assumed they were probably his penis and blocked him instead.
in reply to Sarah Brown

It's beyond rough. To be textually assaulted in this manner is horrendous. I send you an internet hug. 🤗
Unknown parent

Sarah Brown
@MarkusL Yeah. I wasn’t in an especially helpful mood.
in reply to Sarah Brown

@Sarah Brown What an awful experience!
I like how you handled him though.