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A very good morning to the Spanish Civil Patrol, who have made my #FailureFriday mission easier this week by smacking into [checks notes] the runway lighting system at Gibraltar's airport.

What they thought they were doing on short finals remains a mystery, but the diplomatic protests will no doubt be nothing compared to the undiplomatic ones of their boss.

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in reply to Dreadnought Holiday

(in truth, we do know what they were doing partly because newspapers report they were chasing smugglers into British waters, but also because - excitingly - there's video)…

in reply to Dreadnought Holiday

Is it me or can you hear swearing just before they hit?
Also, they don't seem to be chasing another boat?
in reply to Dreadnought Holiday

"A spokesperson said all agents appear to be well and the vessel remains seaworthy…"

Seaworthiness standards appear to be a lot more flexible than I expected.

in reply to Dreadnought Holiday

Fortunately it seems nobody was hurt but looking at the damage they were lucky the boat didn't sink on the spot.

It takes a certain sort of pilot to steer directly into two big flashing red lights. I suspect they will be asked some searching questions about their eyesight.

Certainly a good candidate for #FailureFriday

in reply to Dreadnought Holiday

@cjwatson @X31Andy Just for the benefit of non UK readers, Specsavers has a long running series of adverts where something dumb happens because of poor sight, followed by the strap line "should have gone to Specsavers". My favourite is the shepherd accidentally shearing his sheepdog.

This picture would have fitted in perfectly.

in reply to Dreadnought Holiday

I can’t get over how they’ve steered into the lights.

“Hola, this is the patrol, pull over or be rammed”
“This is a runway, mate, your call”

in reply to Alexandra Lanes

I will bet the lights are repaired before that boat is refloated. What a mess. At least all the visible damage appears above the waterline.
This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to Alexandra Lanes

@ajlanes It'd be horribly ironic if the lack of proper landing lights caused an accident. An air accident caused by a marine collision (or allision)
in reply to Dreadnought Holiday

It's quite a runway to land on I admit. Only the old Hong Kong one comes close in my experience.
in reply to Dreadnought Holiday

To be fair to the boat operators, it is VERY easy to lose spatial orientation when boating at night. Without visual clues to help orient yourself, it's hard to tell how far or close you are to other objects, even flashing lights. Add in motion, other lights in the background, and focusing on trying to find/follow another boat and this is what may happen. Below is a picture from several years ago at Kent Island, Maryland. Speed played a factor here too (at night).
in reply to DelRider

@DelRider worth noting that the loss of spatial awareness started well before the lights became a threat - it's really hard to crash into Gibraltan infrastructure when you stay in Spanish waters like you're supposed to...

(Without really going into the whole Gibraltar/Spain pissing contest, everyone knows where they're currently supposed to be even if the strict letter of the law gets overlooked or sometimes embarrassingly misplaced)