1 year ago •
The Israelis are about to kill over two million people, half of whom are children, and the world is just going to let them.
How utterly monumentally fucked up.
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Alexandra Lanes, Ian Molton and Ted like this.
9 people reshared this
Alexandra Lanes, Phil Harrison, marnanel, Corwin Brust, Chas Croker, Fonant, WylieCoyoteUK and Coralie Renée reshared this.
Sarah Brown reshared this.
I can't watch the news. if Rah Rah Israel all the bloody way.
FUCK Israel. If this is how Israel behaves, it doesn't deserve to be a country.
(yes, other countries, attrocities, blah blah.)
Sarah Brown likes this.
2 people like this
Alexandra Lanes and Ian Molton like this.
@Jack The difference is that Hamas aren’t actually capable of doing this.
Israel absolutely is.
CharLES ☭ H
in reply to Sarah Brown • • •Sarah Brown reshared this.
Ian Molton
in reply to Sarah Brown • • •Alexandra Lanes
in reply to Sarah Brown • •Ian Molton
in reply to Sarah Brown • • •I can't watch the news. if Rah Rah Israel all the bloody way.
FUCK Israel. If this is how Israel behaves, it doesn't deserve to be a country.
(yes, other countries, attrocities, blah blah.)
Sarah Brown likes this.
in reply to Sarah Brown • • •Alexandra Lanes
Unknown parent • •Sarah Brown
Unknown parent • •like this
Alexandra Lanes and Ian Molton like this.
Sarah Brown
Unknown parent • •@Jack The difference is that Hamas aren’t actually capable of doing this.
Israel absolutely is.