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Picked up an RPi 5 with the active cooler. Very shiny!
in reply to Sarah Brown

I wonder if someone’s built a gaming rig desktop case for a Pi and done watercooling and everything.

I wonder the dumbest things.

So what shall the Pi do? Got anything lined up for it?

in reply to Gen X-Wing

@Breadbin Just home server stuff. Reckon it can do a bit more heavy lifting than the 4 that’s currently doing it.
in reply to Sarah Brown

the thing I like about the pi is the lack of fan. I hope they continue to sell fanless models.
in reply to Adam

though I believe they're now manufactured in a country committing genocide, which is my primary "do not buy" threshold.

ETA: apparently I was wrong, see downthread.

This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to Adam

@pseudomonas Wales?…

in reply to Sion [main]

I think "less than a working day" is a moderately reasonable use of "few hours". like "a few seconds" can reasonably be "anything [≥2s] too small to be described in minutes"

If it's 3.5 to 4.5 as lnr says, then that's clearly "a few".

This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to Adam

@pseudomonas @mobbsy I'd call that "several hours" (and 3½ optimistic anyway). Which obviously you'd describe as "a few" for publicity purposes, but I think it's painting an unwarranted picture of proximity.
in reply to Sion [main]

I'd tend not to use "a few" of anything to mean "two", though I guess there's no hard reason not to. I certainly wouldn't use "a few" to mean anything less than two, and I think I'm safe in assuming that this is generally held to be a lower-limit?

So I guess you're using "a few hours" to mean "somewhere between two and three hours"?

This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to Adam

@pseudomonas @mobbsy I think I use "few" to mean "more than one but less than a handful, with equal probability", where in this case the probability is shifted upwards so "few" feels deceptive (rather than wrong).

But then I'm really weird and don't use "a couple of ..." to mean strictly two, but rather the same range as "a few" but with the probability shifted down.

in reply to Sion [main]

@sparrowsion @mobbsy I think using "a couple to mean "a small handful" is normal; German distinguishes the usage between paar and ein Paar, the latter of which is a strictly-two couple; the former of which can be a thruple or whatever if it wants to, we don't judge.
in reply to mobbsy

Oh, cool! I thought it was Wales for the first couple of generations and then moved to China for Gen 4 or Pi Zero or something. Not sure where I got that idea, and I'm glad to be wrong.
This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to Adam

@Adam the fan is not integral, but it will throttle itself heavily under load without one.
This entry was edited (11 months ago)
Unknown parent

Sarah Brown
@Sesquipedality @Sion [main] @Eleanor LNR Blair @Adam @mobbsy I do not still live in Cambridge, but am prone to the odd shopping trip there.
Unknown parent

Sarah Brown
@Sesquipedality @Eleanor LNR Blair @Adam @mobbsy the only 4 I run fanless is my OpenWRT router and that sits at about 65° with a CPU heat sink.
Unknown parent

@sesquipedality @lnr @mobbsy Ouch. I've just looked on ebay at prices for RPi models. with delivery I'm looking at about €40 for a zero and about €50-€90 for other models. That's kinda a lot given that I can find second hand laptops starting at about €50.
Unknown parent

@sesquipedality @lnr @mobbsy the pis I looked at were including both new and second hand.
in reply to Adam

@Adam @Eleanor LNR Blair @Sesquipedality @mobbsy Laptops don't generally have GPIO pins and suchlike. They also, IME, make extremely poor servers because of the form factor. Horses for courses.
Unknown parent

@sesquipedality @lnr @mobbsy That finds me a zero for a mere €26 including delivery, which I guess is an improvement but is still quite a lot for the minimalist option.
in reply to Sarah Brown

@lnr @sesquipedality @mobbsy Oh, I get that. It's just galling because there's SO MUCH MORE STUFF in a laptop.

It's like the cheapest cotton T-shirt is about a quarter the price of the cheapest 30x30cm square of cotton fabric. But if you don't want your fabric made of T-shirt material, you have to pay the extra.

Unknown parent

@sesquipedality @lnr @mobbsy I see that their sole Belgian vendor is only in Waterloo, so that's gettable-to if I decide I want one in a hurry 😀
Unknown parent

Sarah Brown

@Sesquipedality @Eleanor LNR Blair @Adam @mobbsy I’ve found that if it’s doing video processing for HomeKit secure video, a 4 will will run the fan once every minute or so, for a few seconds, to prevent throttling.

So far the 5 seems to run a fair bit cooler. IME, 4S idle at about 60°. The 5 seems to be idling at 50°