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reshared this

in reply to Sarah Brown

The Nissan Leaf, model of 2018 I guess, of the local car sharing organization here can do 160kph - but I guess because general speed limit in .pt, one should not do that there, also it's not economic.
I do like leaving other cars behind when starting from traffic lights though. Especially those that look like their owners need to compensate something. Sometimes I'm a bit sad I don't often have a need to use a car...
in reply to Sarah Brown

Yep, but they probably shouldn't have...
Well, my point was, you *could* probably have done 160kph too, but you didn't, because of no need to compensate something.
in reply to Sarah Brown

Reminds me of somebody I knew in the 1980s with a 2CV being tailgated by a BMW. He went over a speed bump at the full speed limit which the 2CV didn't notice, of course, but the BMW did. No actual damage as far we know (unfortunately) but he did see the BMW driver holding his head.
in reply to Ed Davies

@Ed Davies A lot of speed bumps here are the type where you can take them at speed if you hit them dead centre. They're fun with tailgaters too!