These are...not optimistic times for most Americans. Across the world, the dangers of climate change and the terror of creeping authoritarianism present an increasing danger to all of us.
Εμμηνόπαυση (Eminopause) was the Greek word for menopause, so, while I don’t know what the -archy word be, but one would clearly refer to the rulers as “Your Eminence”
You might enjoy the novel The Gate To Women's Country, by Sherri S Tepper. Very cool take on such a government in post-apocalyptic future. No idea what its called tho. Love this book!
Rachel Lawson
in reply to Sarah Brown • • •BashStKid
in reply to Sarah Brown • • •Tak!
in reply to Sarah Brown • • •Sarah Brown likes this.
Phogna Bologna
in reply to Tak! • • •Let*Go*Elmo Let*Go*Elmo
in reply to Sarah Brown • • •Sarah Brown likes this.
David Croal
in reply to Sarah Brown • • •Gerard Cunningham ✒️
in reply to Sarah Brown • • •cerement
in reply to Sarah Brown • • •especially ep. 5 “Grandma Law”
The Women's War
www.thewomenswar.comDavid Mankins
in reply to Sarah Brown • • •@stevegis_ssg
Εμμηνόπαυση (Eminopause) was the Greek word for menopause, so, while I don’t know what the -archy word be, but one would clearly refer to the rulers as “Your Eminence”
Sarah Brown likes this.
Sarah Brown
in reply to David Mankins • •@David Mankins @Steve Gisselbrecht works for me.
“Your eminence wants to know if you can just not”
Alexandra Lanes likes this.
in reply to Sarah Brown • • •Sarah Brown likes this.