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The press seems to have switched from “Trump’s brand of irreverent fascism is so sexy, we love it” to “Trump is a pathetic loser, and we can smell his fear”.

And honestly, I’m ok with that.

in reply to Sarah Brown

The press operate like sharks smelling blood in the water. I’m not sure I’ve seen definite-enough signs yet but I live in hope. It’s all down to what brings in the most eyeballs and, till now, it has appeared that they think reporting the end of the democracy they depend on is the most profitable move.
in reply to Sarah Brown

It's like many in the press required the DNC to call Trump out on his BS before they would do it. Guess it always has been about the papers sold, the headlines that got clicks, the ad spots sold, the controversy generated more than anything else for them. Especially since our news is controlled by fewer and fewer companies and not journalists.
in reply to Sarah Brown

ultimately they want to be seen to back the winner and give the impression they were why the winner won. We see this in the UK media when the Murdoch press switch to backing labour when it’s obvious they’re going to win anyway so they can say “it was the Sun wot won it”. Leadership as the art of spotting which way everyone is running and getting out in front.

Anne Hulbert reshared this.

in reply to Rachel Greenham

Ah1 The boris johnson method (except in his case, he wanted to be the leader, but couldn't be bothered to actually lead)
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Sarah Brown

I do some TV work on the side and deep refection is not exactly something we excel at. Most stuff is rather shallow.
But I get to play with neat gear and get into really cool places.
in reply to Sarah Brown

That's what it is to swim with sharks and, frankly, I love to see it.
in reply to Sarah Brown

The story is whatever fascinates the media, who then become the story and feed the cycle.

It's great that the Harris team has managed to give them a new narrative to be fascinated by. This "happy warrior" story is working to feed the endless loop.

This is the first time the media's fascination with Trump's hold on what used to be considered normal people (which then amplifies the effect) hasn't been the focus of attention since 2019.

in reply to Sarah Brown

I think this may end up being considered one of the most important political news articles ever published. It represents the moment the press realised that Kamala Harris can supply eight years of headlines more compelling than anything Donald Trump can dream up. Race riots, carnage in the streets, sinister dictators, foreign rapists. Yawn. Been done. But consider: a woman is wearing clothes, and the clothes have colours.