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Studied WW1 in school but never went hard on the July Crisis that started it.

Read up on it now and feeling like the Treaty of Versailles was a lot less unfair than I previously thought.

in reply to Sarah Brown

Also surprised by how much Britain was the only adult in the room. They tried really quite hard to prevent the catastrophe.
in reply to Sarah Brown

Serbia was like, “look, Austria. We’ll give you literally everything you’re asking for.” Britain was like, “let’s talk this out guys”. Austria was like, “hmm, maybe”. Germany was like “LEROY JENKINS! Btw, invading Luxembourg. Lol!”
in reply to Sarah Brown

The Rest Is History did a good series on the build up, if you like that sort of thing.
in reply to Ben Curthoys

@goatsarah Starts Episode 465 with a 4 parter on the Assassination of Franz Ferdinand…

followed by 6 episodes on "The Road to War"

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Sarah Brown

Bertrand Russell said: if Britain hadn't become involved, the war would have been short, Germany would have won and WWII would never have happened.
in reply to Sarah Brown

it's also worth comparing the Treaty of Versailles to the treaty the Germans forced on France a generation earlier after the Franco-Prussian War. Modest losses of land, military restrictions, blame for the war, harsh reparations, etc - Versailles was just the Germans receiving what they'd previously dished out.