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Left Portugal for the UK 85 days ago. Left my Nissan Leaf E+ sitting in the garage on 45% charge.

Got back today. Turned it on. 43%


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in reply to Sarah Brown

Anyway, it-s now happily sipping from its type 2 AC wall charger
in reply to Gen X-Wing

@Breadbin Lol, phones gonna phone!

2% on a Leaf E+ is like 1.2kWh though, which is quite a lot of energy!

in reply to Sarah Brown

My battery performance is “significantly degraded” apparently 😀 In all seriousness though. 5 years of 24/7 on and lots of use is pretty impressive.

I haven’t made the leap to electric, bet it’s a whole new world to discover and stats and ways of doing things😀

(The reason is that I drive my car maybe 10 times a year, so, yeah. Not much use.)