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So it seems there are still, despite increasing numbers of “leaders” involved in “crypto” ending up in prison for being con artists, true believers in NFTs (if you’ve forgotten about those, they were briefly bigger than COVID 19 and about as beneficial to humanity) held a party in Hong Kong last night.

The organisers thought they were lighting the stage with black lights (like they have at LaserQuest to make your clothes glow).

They were not.

They were lighting the stage with UV-C sterilisation lights.

Apparently everyone involved is now in accident and emergency with extensive sunburn and BURNS TO THEIR RETINAS!!

In 18 months there are going to be a bunch of people wearing dark sunglasses and refusing to meet outdoors trying to sell you something expensive to do with “AI”. You probably shouldn’t buy it.

in reply to Sarah Brown

So they've essentially turned them all into vampires?
in reply to Teresa Barry

@Teresa Barry Vampires/legally blind full body burns casualties. Potato/Poh-tah-toe.
in reply to Sarah Brown

someone should have turned them up to 11, done us all a favour...
in reply to Sarah Brown

amazing! Found a non-walled link:
in reply to Sarah Brown

in reply to Joakim Fors

Is it me or does that entire website, and everything it links to, read like someone created it as an example of what their new website generating AI can do!
in reply to Sarah Brown

Non-bsky link:

Likely cheap white, UV LED arrays without filters, or UV disinfection lamps which must be filtered or positioned to (dramatically) reduce exposure and avoid damage.

(Edit: Corrected reference to this not being UV-C since a similar 2017 incident at a Hong Kong party WAS caused by UV-C disinfection lamps. Source:

This entry was edited (7 months ago)
in reply to Sarah Brown

Ouch, that's pretty horrific, even if it's happening to idiots no-one deserves that.
in reply to Sarah Brown

@goatsarah Seems appropriate:
This entry was edited (7 months ago)
in reply to Sarah Brown

the really weird thing is apparently this is the second time this has happened at a cryptocurrency event

or possibly it's not that weird that a bunch of people who think consequences don't apply to them would try and save money in the exact same way