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You’re walking in some single sex biological woods. Would you rather encounter a trans woman, or Kemi Badenoch?
in reply to Sarah Brown

biological woods are so much nicer than the sort made of concrete and fibreglass.
in reply to Adam

in reply to Adam

@pseudomonas Although single sex implies there won't be much diversity of trees. All holly bushes or something.
in reply to Sion [main]

@sparrowsion @pseudomonas Probably all male trees so there's no fruit for people to eat. So the air will be full of pollen.
Can we leave Badenoch there to suffer horrible hay-feaver and go to the pub with the transwoman?
in reply to Sarah Brown


I would engage her in theological debate, thus rendering her temporarily harmless as I confuse her while she attempts to find a biblical justification for transphobia

Then, I would attack with mention of Brexit trade deals, which I anticipate would cause her to attempt to fall back on the Tory tactic of hiding in a fridge, which would fail because contrary to popular opinion fridges are rare in same sex biological woods

Finally I would point out that she was entirely surrounded by woodland flowers which, whilst looking flowery and pretty and girlie, actually have male sexual organs. This would freeze her in place like a weeping angel in a hall of mirrors leaving me free to go for a pint with the nearest passing same sex biological bear, mission complete

Yes, it's one of *those* days

in reply to Ghost of Hope

I would put on running shoes and throw a bell and throw some bear bait at her..
This entry was edited (4 weeks ago)
in reply to Sarah Brown

I'd rather encounter Cthulhu than Kemi Badenoch, at least Cthulhu wouldn't pretend to be eviscerating me for my own good
in reply to Sarah Brown

I don't know who that is but the name feels very Tory so I'm gonna say trans woman.
in reply to Sarah Brown

Not sure I'd want to be in those woods in the first place.

Trans women over TERFs every time. My earliest experience of single-sex spaces online as a baby cis bi woman was TERFs gender policing other women and they were unsurprisingly biphobic and like 14yr old mean girls. I didn't like it age 17 before I knew many trans folks, I'm certainly not liking it now I'm 40+, know hundreds of trans folks and have zero fucks left to give for bullshit and hate.

in reply to Sarah Brown

Kemi, as proof of there being shit in the woods without any bears involved.