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Breathless press: Fusion energy breakthrough!

Me: reading article “blah blah blah Lawrence Livermore blah

Me: This is nuclear bomb research. Nothing to see here. Also solar panels literally exist. Move along.

I swear, “fusion power stations” are the global death industrial complex’s fig leaf for bomb research just as “hydrogen cars” are the global death industrial complex’s fig leaf for digging oil out of the ground.

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in reply to Sarah Brown

“Look at me pretending to develop fusion power for A HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS PER KILOWATT HOUR! Muhahahaha! Nobody suspects me of getting round non-proliferation treaties, which I literally admit to doing on my website!”

Solar panels: “Am I a literal fucking joke to you?”

KatLS reshared this.

in reply to Sarah Brown

America and France: Hi! We have world-leading programmes to develop and study high temperature deuterium-tritium plasmas, and also space programmes which use solid rocket boosters which you could hypothetically launch into a sub orbital trajectory with a payload of a few tonnes at very short notice. These are unrelated and very highly civilian normal things we are doing. Also, STAR TREK!
in reply to Sarah Brown

I’d make an exception for ITER, that won’t be strapped to a rocket anytime soon.
in reply to BashStKid

@BashStKid neither does NIF, but both keep expertise in fusion plasmas in-house.
in reply to Sarah Brown

Very hypothetically if you're the Royal Navy.
in reply to Ed Davies

@Ed Davies They bought those rockets from the yanks, TBF. I reckon there should be some sort of warranty claim.