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Just sailed alongside our big sister ship, the Royal Clipper, while passing into the lee of Dominica island in the Caribbean. Got a couple of very nice photos with the Fuji X-E4 and a 230mm zoom lens.

Sarah Brown reshared this.

in reply to Sarah Brown

They show for me (in Megalodon) as attachments, which I didn't know was a thing. (I can click through to them, but they're displaying from your server.) Will try to remember to see what they look like in Mastodon web-native when I get back to my desk.
in reply to FeralRobots

@FeralRobots @Matthew Vernon I don't know if they'll refederate after I changed the permissions, but I rebooted my post to hopefully kick them into doing that.
in reply to FeralRobots

@FeralRobots @Ozzy I got lucky with the lighting. For just a few moments the sun shone through a gap and illuminated her.