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Having fun watching the continuing seafaring adventures of @goatsarah and her crew thanks to the boating equivalent of FlightRadar. Yesterday they left Cherbourg at lunchtime and were moored up in St Peter Port Guernsey in time for tea. Today they’re headed south west towards the French coast (somewhere like Roscoff I guess). It’s like following Greta all over again
in reply to Christine Burns MBE 🏳️‍⚧️📚⧖

Oh I've been to St Peter Port without ever setting foot there. The Ferry that used to go from Weymouth called in there before continuing its journey to St Helier in Jersey. I think with the Seacat nowadays, they go a different route.
in reply to Pam C

@PamCrossland In 1966 my parents had a rare summer holiday and we took the Calpernia from Weymouth via Guernsey to Jersey so I think I had the same passing acquaintance with St Peter Port as you. We berthed for about half an hour in the late afternoon whilst cargo and passengers were exchanged.
in reply to Sarah Brown

Using two fingers as dividers to extrapolate where you’d got in three hours I was thinking it was probably too far but I couldn’t see much evidence of mariners in other places. Brest tomorrow?
in reply to Sarah Brown

That sounds like one of those mind puzzles involving snakes and rabbits or lettuces. Could it be worth getting a ferry from Cherbourg to fetch the car?
in reply to Christine Burns MBE 🏳️‍⚧️📚⧖

@Christine Burns MBE 🏳️‍⚧️📚⧖ Turns out very much not. As in we don’t get change from about 800
Euros for the three of us.

Apparently the correct answer is “train to Nantes, Ryanair to
Stansted, then go get the car at your leisure”.

in reply to Sarah Brown

It’s frustrating that France has cracked down on short haul flights but not inter-regional train pricing being OTT.
in reply to Alexandra Lanes

@zoe @ajlanes Ah.. I was thinking more along the lines that you take buses to Cherbourg and send one over to collect the car whilst the other two get an Air BnB to await their return. See? In my head it’s much more like ferrying snakes and rabbits and lettuces across the river 😂
in reply to Christine Burns MBE 🏳️‍⚧️📚⧖

@ajlanes I don't even know how to begin to research the rules for someone driving a British car in France using a Portuguese driving licence.

Fortunately with these corner cases, they usually baffle the plod enough they give up worrying about it too.