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Please help. My node appears to have crapped itself.

!Friendica Support

Hi everyone. I'm suddenly getting loads of php errors on lots of pages and images are no-longer loading. Stuff like this. Any ideas?

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in reply to Sarah Brown

Lots of images are randomly missing as well. The only thing I changed recently is adding a load of those spam-posting instances to my server blocklist.

Really would appreciate some help fixing this.

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in reply to Sarah Brown

Update: I think I've found what's upsetting it. When I uploaded the blocklist csv, it seems to have added an empty server block to the end of the list.

I can't delete it from the UI. How can I get rid of it manually?

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in reply to Sarah Brown

Final update - I seem to have fixed it by setting the empty block to "nothing.nowhere" and then deleting the pattern, and saving the changes.

My node now seems to be behaving normally, touch-wood.

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in reply to Sarah Brown

I'm preparing a pull request to avoid such problems for the future.
in reply to Michael Vogel

@Michael Vogel Brill, thanks. I guess I had a blank line at the end of the CSV file I used for the blocks or something. Found the problem by following back the PHP code and trying to work out what it was trying to do. Exported my blocks and was like, “that comma by itself at the end doesn’t look right…”

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in reply to Sarah Brown

Thanks för your investigations in this thread! That helped me to develop that PR really fast.
in reply to Michael Vogel

@Michael Vogel a pleasure. I know nothing of php but … code is code, I guess, and once I went and had a look at where the error was coming from, the place to look became obvious.

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in reply to Sarah Brown

@Sarah Brown Specifically in this situation, you would be better off disabling PHP errors showing in pages and cutting the deprecation messages from the logged errors (respectively display_errors and error_reporting in the relevant php.ini file)

Let me know if you need help with this.

in reply to Hypolite Petovan

@Hypolite Petovan thanks. Issue was it was preventing it from loading remote content too, so the errors helped me find the source quickly.

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in reply to Sarah Brown

@Sarah Brown It's likely the very display of these error messages was preventing loading of proxified remote content. Since it runs through a local PHP script, any text output in what is supposed to be binary content would have broken media decoding.
in reply to Sarah Brown

@Hypolite Petovan Ok, gonna take you up on your offer. Do you know which file I need to edit when I’m running the docker image?

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in reply to Sarah Brown

@Sarah Brown Not precisely, but you can figure this out by going to Admin -> PHP Info. This page will list the configuration files PHP is using. The default on Debian-like is /etc/php*/[apache2|php-fpm]/php.ini.
This entry was edited (8 months ago)
in reply to Hypolite Petovan

@Hypolite Petovan OK, so the docker image doesn't have a php config file. It has two sample ones in /usr/local/etc/php/. I Just did cp php.ini-production php.ini in that directory in the docker container and restarted, and it seems to have picked up sensible defaults, including the ones you mention above.

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