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Dear UK. Please stop hogging all the rain. Our reservoir is empty!

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in reply to Sarah Brown

If only NI could ship you some over. We’ve had way more than our fair share of rain these last six months.
in reply to @shezza_t is moving to .ie

@@shezza_t Here in the western Algarve we are 10 years into a drought. We are now in a situation of essentially having to abandon our reservoirs because it looks like they will never actually fill up ever again.
in reply to Sarah Brown

That’s wild.

When we’re not poisoning the main source of fresh water here, we’re veering from floods to hosepipe bans and back again.

<sarc>Thank goodness for COP28 and all the strong measures it’s put in place to combat the climate crisis. </sarc>

in reply to Sarah Brown

If we turn the wind up to a hurricane we should be able to blow it over to you …