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Long form - ADHD and suchlike
in reply to Sarah Brown

Long form - ADHD and suchlike
Seriously, some of these NT lot strike me as being one hot meal away from humping the furniture sometimes, present company excepted.

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in reply to Sarah Brown

Long form - ADHD and suchlike

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in reply to Sarah Brown

Long form - ADHD and suchlike

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in reply to Sarah Brown

Long form - ADHD and suchlike

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in reply to Alisdair Calder McGregor

Long form - ADHD and suchlike

@Alisdair Calder McGregor Same, and I get very angry.

Apparently we "feel emotions too strongly". I just think we have a functioning conscience.

in reply to Sarah Brown

Long form - ADHD and suchlike

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in reply to Alisdair Calder McGregor

Long form - ADHD and suchlike

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in reply to Sarah Brown

That's a very interesting and useful insight. Thanks.
in reply to Sarah Brown

Thank you for this interesting observation!

Being female can't help either, I guess 🤷‍♂️

in reply to Sarah Brown

About the pie size:

The whole ranking thing is in some sense illogical - if I have a nice meal, why should it bother me that someone else have the same but with champagne?

I still think it makes sense from the perspective of evolution: People don't look for an 'adequate' partner, they look for the best/strongest/richest one available. I think that explains a lot of the dominance assertion, it's simply a way of shouting 'Pick me!'

in reply to Sarah Brown

Long form - ADHD and suchlike

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This entry was edited (4 weeks ago)
in reply to 1ngi

Long form - ADHD and suchlike
@1ngi Feeling is mutual, my lovely x