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Am reconnecting with the trans community a bit and have discovered that the new thing GICs are doing to torment trans women, having moved on from RLE, is keeping them on starvation rations of HRT.


in reply to Riley S. Faelan

@Riley S. Faelan Not high enough to induce puberty.

And then they’re telling them that no trans women develop beyond an A cup (this is a lie)

in reply to Sarah Brown

AIUI, not infrequently alongside an effective dose of anti-androgens
in reply to Sarah Brown

It is also an extension of how doctors think that post-meopausal conditions are first and foremost psychosomatic.

As pro-science as I am, I've stopped considering many medical practitioners as being "people of science".

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Riley S. Faelan

@riley As far as I could pick up from my local pharmacists is that the default dose of dermal E is a single 0.75 mg. For all they know this is what everyone uses ranging for post-menopausal cis women or trans women.

Medical practitioners generally have no idea how all of this works and a lot of it has to do with a system of values rather than any medical reasoning.

in reply to Alda Vigdís 🇵🇸 🇱🇧

@Alda Vigdís 🇵🇸 🇱🇧 @Riley S. Faelan @Sarah Brown I'm on 1.5mg of sandrena a day which a chart I just found under a rock says is equivalent to 3mg progynova. (Though ahem sometimes I just take two whole sachets because I feel like it.). 0.75mg seems... kinda homeopathic?

Actually, going to keep this chart because whenever I want to look up equivalent doses I can never find the data.…

in reply to Alexandra Lanes

@ajlanes That's a really useful chart, thank you! (bookmarks)

I seem to be gathering a lot of anecdata about patches not being as effective. Swtiching to transdermal from 2mg, at last test I was still under half target figures on a mixture of a 100 patch, one estrogel dose and one Lenzetto dose, after the patch alone was practically useless.

@goatsarah @riley @alda

in reply to Alda Vigdís 🇵🇸 🇱🇧

in reply to Sarah Brown

to be fair CX left me on 2mg Progynova a day. They agreed to up it when Barrett declared me "undercooked". My GP refused. Every so often, I've pushed but don't get anywhere.
Once the new job is sorted, I'll look into working a private dose on top of prescribed