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My husband and I, along with 2 couples we're friends with decided to go on a backpack camping trip. All of us, except my husband are experienced campers. I was very surprised he wanted to go, but also happy he wanted to participate in an activity I enjoy.

Before the camping trip, we all met up multiple times, and discussed what to bring and agreed we needed to pack as lightly as possible. We would be carrying everything in backpacks and sleeping in hammocks. My husband also agreed with this.

in reply to Antifa Franklin πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ

The day of the trip my husband packed, 8 outfits, 5 pairs of shoes, 4 pairs of swim trunks, and 5 pairs of pajamas, along with an inflatable queen size mattress, matching sheet and comforter set, battery operated air pump, portable white noise machine, laptop, tablet, portable hotspot and charger. There was some other stuff but I don't recall what those were. Naturally, he packed more than anyone else.
in reply to Antifa Franklin πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ

When we arrived with our friends to our destination, it was a several mile hike to where we planned to set up at. My husband started trying to delegate to the others who should carry what of his stuff. I told him we all agreed that we'd each carry our own gear and that meant he's responsible for his. He argued back saying he had more than he could handle and needed help, and he didn't bother to use a backpack but instead 2 full size roller suitcases.
in reply to Antifa Franklin πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ

My husband ended up being far more worn out than the rest of us because of how much he had to carry. Now he's tired, cranky and sore, and still saying I was unreasonable to expect him to carry all of that on his own.

When my husband was packing, I reminded him what he needed to bring and told him he's way over packing to be practical. He insisted he needed everything he packed as well as insisted on using the roller suitcases as carrying a backpack is too embarrassing for him.

in reply to Antifa Franklin πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ

Thank you for reading today's storytime about 'how the heck do these dudes ever get laid let alone married'
in reply to Antifa Franklin πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ

did someone confuse camping for the runway at Milan. Several outfit changes multiple pairs of trunks, that's a fashion show and not camping.

I like that after taking way too much stuff, spat the dummy that no one would take the unnecessary gear.

in reply to Antifa Franklin πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ

inexperienced camper + inexperienced hiker is not a good combo. If it makes you (or him, eventually) feel any better we all make stupid mistakes the first time we hike. I carried a full 12-pack of Dr Pepper and was ready to kill myself packing them back out -- but I was also having strenuous hikes drilled into me from external sources, so it was easy to learn. Totally confused by the backpack thing, though -- roller suitcases in that env aren't just impractical, they're unsafe
in reply to Antifa Franklin πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ

i'm sorry but if i saw someone rolling suitcases down the trail i would never stop laughing at them