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You can tell your covid requirements are pseudoscience tickybox woo when they emphasise “hand gel”, which is completely fucking useless against covid, over “face masks”, which are not.

And also when your activity is outdoors in the countryside.

in reply to Sarah Brown

Not sure hand gel is *completely* useless against covid, but yes, nowhere near as important as masking and good ventilation
in reply to Adam Jacobs 🇺🇦

@Adam Jacobs 🇺🇦 Yes. If you routinely hold your breath while rubbing covid positive people and then your eyes, it will definitely help.
in reply to Sarah Brown

There's an interesting article about it here:…

Seems there's a reasonable consensus that contact transmission is a pretty small risk, and certainly a *much* lower risk than airborne transmission, but divided opinions on whether it's completely negligible or merely small

in reply to Sarah Brown

I still see lots of those posters around here… indoor places packed with unmasked people, but make sure you wash your hands!
in reply to Sarah Brown

@Sarah Brown I assumed all that stuff was a holdover from before we understood Covid. I don’t plan to pack hand gel anyway. Except the sort that comes with oestrogen in.
in reply to Sarah Brown

I fully agree re covid but I do like hand gel provision for protection against _other_ varieties of crud which are spread on surfaces - colds, flu, norovirus, and so on.
in reply to Adam

@Adam With the caveat that a lot of the orthodoxy around those viruses also originates from the same utterly wrong assumptions that made the WHO state that covid couldn’t possibly be airborne until they evidence that it was became overwhelming.

I’m not saying personal hygiene with regard to hand cleanliness isn’t important: it is. It’s much more an issue for gastrointestinal stuff though, and is unhelpful to focus on with diseases (including the ones you mention), that the vast majority of people catch through inhalation.

in reply to Sarah Brown

I wear a mask pretty religiously in indoor public spaces. But I need clean hands to eat with as well.