Can confirm. I am lucky to have a lot of trans, enby and other queer friends locally. Scotland hasn't been as bad as England, but it is getting worse here too.
@gz Majority of thew population don't care. Amongst those who do, rampant and visible transphobia is now regarded as a necessary social good and not displaying it is morally suspect.
FFS, what's wrong with these people? I guess there will always be a disgusting minority, let's hope they rapidly diminish in numbers, devoured by their brain-eating hate.
switching on the TV this morning, and almost the first news story was about segregation of trans people in the nhs. "OK, another day to avoid the news". 😡
@MaddieT the UK government seems to be throwing ever more hideous policy statements, hoping one of them lands with their base in an election week.
Deporting asylum seekers, prosecuting the homeless, removing benefits from the long term ill, and of course their perennial favourite, inventing new ways to harm trans people.
as a young trans woman (under minimum age for medically prescribed HRT) living in the UK. Things have never been worse for me. I have tried self harming within the past few months because of my severe gender dysphoria yet I cannot do anything about it. I live in a single working class parent household without enough money for DIY. So I've pretty much given up on a medical transition until I can move to another country or get enough money for a good supply of DIY hrt.
i wanna talk to it but it is on DND mode for the last couple of days meaning that i'm not sure if i should reach to her or if to give it space (said friend uses it/she pronouns)
@Isabel Ruffell Which kind of makes the next election a no-op. If I thought any party likely to win significant support would moderate him I’d pin meagre hope on that but I can’t see even our “allies” making trans rights a condition of doing business.
it's been hard. I've got friends who are definitely struggling right now. Things seem very uncertain is probably the nicest way to say "it's probably going to be more of the same after the election"
Toni Widmo
in reply to Sarah Brown • • •gz
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in reply to Sarah Brown • • •Alexis Sophia 🏳️⚧️
in reply to Sarah Brown • • •Alexis Sophia 🏳️⚧️
Unknown parent • • •@MaddieT the UK government seems to be throwing ever more hideous policy statements, hoping one of them lands with their base in an election week.
Deporting asylum seekers, prosecuting the homeless, removing benefits from the long term ill, and of course their perennial favourite, inventing new ways to harm trans people.
Autumn ∞ (commissions open!)
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in reply to Sarah Brown • • •Isabel Ruffell
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Alexandra Lanes
in reply to Isabel Ruffell • •Isabel Ruffell
in reply to Alexandra Lanes • • •Alexandra Lanes likes this.
Alexandra Lanes
in reply to Isabel Ruffell • •Sarah Brown
in reply to Alexandra Lanes • •@Alexandra Lanes @Isabel Ruffell there is not a single political party in the Uk that wouldn’t trade trans rights for a Wispa bar.
I am not joking.
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Isabel Ruffell
in reply to Sarah Brown • • •Alexandra Lanes likes this.
in reply to Sarah Brown • • •Nikkileah
in reply to Sarah Brown • • •Things seem very uncertain is probably the nicest way to say "it's probably going to be more of the same after the election"