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in reply to Sarah Brown

I have a new oven and a new microwave and had a very grumpy ten minutes this morning.
in reply to Sarah Brown

Clocks are mostly nuisance. Sunrise is when your patch of Terra rolls to face the sun, sunset is when it turns away, noon is when the sun appears directly above the nearest spire (or water-tower).

I used to keep my laptop on UTC, never mind what season or which country, with the currently appropriate offset in a little display. Now the blasted smug UIs trample on my preferences.

But we're going into longer hours now! Or we would be, if we were still part of the Roman Empire.

in reply to Sarah Brown

I actually succeeded! Also the central heating thermostat clock. (Which will be a pain come October, because then I'll have to put it forward 23 hours and somehow convince it that it's Sunday, not Monday)
Unknown parent

in reply to Sarah Brown

I did three devices in 30 seconds or so. That isn’t the worst part of clock bullshit.
in reply to Jonathan👣🚲

@Jonathan👣🚲 I feel like the designers aren't trying hard enough to get into the spirit of capitalist enshittification if it was that quick and easy.
in reply to Sarah Brown

One of these devices is 24 years old and still mostly operational, so I guess not. It helps that two of them have a rotary dial used to set the clock. The third (which happens to be the oven) has that stupid short capacitive tap to adjust by a minute, medium hold to start racing through many 10-minute increments per second kind of scheme. On the other hand, the cooktop that’s part of the same physical device goes through its 17 regular power levels at only 2 per second.
in reply to Jonathan👣🚲

How are these interfaces rarely any good? Extreme nonlinearity. Extreme debouncing so you can’t just tap through, and a solid tap is coming up on the acceleration threshold. I feel like strangling the people making these, or making them use their own creations if that isn’t too cruel.
in reply to Jonathan👣🚲

@Jonathan👣🚲 Actually the worst for me is my induction hob. It uses capacitative touch, which doesn't work if it gets wet, which it frequently does.
in reply to Sarah Brown

Same here. It doesn’t take much moisture to make it unresponsive. At least a quick wipe tends to suffice. Why is everything dying to be a smartphone in the rain?
in reply to Sarah Brown

Our seven year old technician fixed the oven challenge within seconds. Not a clue how.