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900 metres up the Algarve's tallest mountain in the middle of the night. Shockingly dark!

Worth it, though.

Hey Tories! While you’re coming third in your elections, I’m in ur country, being trans with intent to use a public toilet 🖕🏻

@Alisdair Calder McGregor aaaaasanyway, must dash. Got a subtropical sunset to watch over my citrus trees, safe in the knowledge that I have no pubic lice.

The acquisition of a PICADE has me playing OUTRUN. This is a game that I remember from my youth with spectacular graphics. The graphics are, in fact, shit. It also has HGVs doing in excess of 180kph. I am questioning SEGA’s commitment to realism.

“Traffic is heavy, best set off for your appointment now”, says my phone, for the second time in a week.

Thanks, Californian tech device. I’ll get right on that.

Dear iPhone, being a bit American, aren’t we?

Have recently been worried that I’ve been looking my age (50), but the problem seems to have fixed itself.

Kerbal Space Program is basically a dollhouse for people with A-Level further maths.

!Friendica Support Hi all.

Running via Docker behind nginx proxy manager. Got the three containers shown.

The UI is a bit sluggish. In particular, it takes forever for the notifications to show up after doing pretty much anything.

So my question is, is there anything stopping me spinning up another UI or cron container on another machine and trying to parallelise things a bit? Is there anything special I have to do to enable that?


The problem with owning this is that @Zoë O'Connell and I are now perpetually earwormed by the Bubble Bobble music.

Treated myself to a fancy-pants cast iron teapot, lads! It's a bit sexy.

There are worse places to go for an afternoon stroll. Just over a kilometre from my apartment.

People queueing out the door for MMR

Made an F16 in Kerbal Space Program (stock)

Because why not?

It's a bit faster than the real thing, and will super cruise, but it's pretty close.

737-Max 8200 today, lads. Probably not going to die.

Reddit “reviewed my appeal” and found out that “I wasn’t in violation of their rules”.

Sarah: 1
TERFs: 0

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

I made a new heavy lifter in KSP. It's called the GooseGooseGo, because of course it is.

Update: I think I've found what's upsetting it. When I uploaded the blocklist csv, it seems to have added an empty server block to the end of the list.

I can't delete it from the UI. How can I get rid of it manually?

Please help. My node appears to have crapped itself.

!Friendica Support

Hi everyone. I'm suddenly getting loads of php errors on lots of pages and images are no-longer loading. Stuff like this. Any ideas?

Out on the old SUP, GoPro mounted on the front, remote control shutter release on the paddle. Contre jour.

Took a picture of the moon fren with my camera because I felt like it.

Hey look everyone, Bluesky is a privacy shitshow!

Long form - making an IoT VLAN bridge with a Raspberry Pi 4 and OpenWRT

Dear Network Rail: I present a modest station renaming proposal for my local station:

New look UK Border branding just dropped, lads.

Get, and I cannot emphasise this enough, fucked by a donkey with a giant mallard penis.

Me, today in "balance exercises"

Journalists: LLMs will replace us! Oh noes! What will we do without humans in the loop to ensure fact checking and quality journalism?

Also journalists: This is a propeller

This is what I look like after a max strength shot of espresso at 22:30

It’s just possible that I have ADHD, you guys.

I am older than Stephanie Cole was in “Waiting for God”. Not sure how I feel about this.