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Some photos from yesterday afternoon's SUP paddle with me and @Sylvia Knight

We now have two inflatable SUPs, an 11 foot model and a 10 foot model, and for the first time, @Sylvia Knight and I went out on the sea together. It was a beautiful calm day; the Atlantic was being very benign with a smooth sea state, crystal clear water. Saw loads of fish and you get s really good view from up there on the SUP.

I really like the smaller of the two boats. It’s sporty and moves with the swell, giving a very dynamic feel. Looking forward to doing a lot more of this!

Same post on Friendica and Bluesky. Any questions?

Come to twitter! It’s got:

- Pretend API!
- Shouty racist!
- Presidential campaign lau%..$£NO CARRIER
- Wonder where your friends went!
- Flat Earth!

In the book, 1984, the true sign of loyalty to The Party is that you believe what they tell you over the evidence of your own senses.

This is exemplified when Winston is being “re-educated” in the Ministry of Love by O’Brien. In a scene reprised in Star Trek: TNG, O’Brien shines four lights at Winston but wants him to believe there are actually five.

Eventually Winston genuinely believes there are five, and so is ready to go to Room 101 to complete his love of Big Brother.

And so it is with Brexit Britain: true believers are required to genuinely believe that a clearly and obviously black piece of paper is, in fact, blue.

Only Brexit Britain can’t afford a Ministry of Love, so adherents have to brainwash themselves on the cheap.

Took the SUP out into the sea proper today. Second time and I felt a lot more comfortable with the swell. Still swam unintentionally though.

But I was stable enough to get this picture of @Sylvia Knight in her Surfski kayak.

The girls are back in town!

A murdercloud has appeared and is taunting us with thunder. Bet it’s not gonna provide actual rain though, because that would be helpful.

@Alexandra Lanes @Sylvia Knight @Zoë O'Connell And a bit of still life, in a separate post, because Mastodon gets weird about long form posts with more than 4 photos in.

Went up Fóia with @Zoë O'Connell, @Sylvia Knight and @Alexandra Lanes today, and took some photos with the XE4 and the TTArtisan 50mm f/0.95 lens.

Aw, Suella, babes, it’s sweet that you care about our feelings and all, but I can assure you that it’s OK: white people don’t feel guilty.

The longe dark copy over gigabit ethernet of the soul.

One disadvantage of running a Friendica server on an old Laptop was that the contact discovery feature cooked the poor thing, so I turned it off.

Experimentally turned it back on on the new M2 Mac mini server. It appears to give no fucks.

Three views:

Web interface, Mona, and Relatica

Some scientist on the net is VERY CONCERNED you guys that sand was found on cars five miles from the SpaceX Starship/Super Heavy launch. Apparently there must be TERRIBLE FORCES OF DOOM involved because there is bi feasible way sand could travel that far through the air unless launched initially with TERRIFYING POWER.

Which gets me wondering what truly scary space programme Morocco must have because their shit from here keeps ending up on my windows.

Hi from the Cape St Vincent sunset club!

Checking out Friendica 2023.04's drag and drop image upload feature and it gives me an excuse to share me living my best life 😊

“We regret to inform you that your vessel failed to rise with the tide”

I do love r/ActualLesbians

This is what I’m talking about. Those are product names. Those drugs are called “montelukast” and “cetirizine”. I do wish they’d pack this bullshit in.

Probably because it doesn’t have a Wi-Fi radio, mate.

The scent of citrus flowers on a spring afternoon is quite intoxicating!

TERFs: Trans people are weird and icky and you should stay away from them on account of how weird they are.

Also TERFs: "I got kicked out of a lab for getting up close and personal with dead women's bits without permission and so we had to take the bodies home to keep looking at the necro vulvas. This is a normal hobby and nobody has a restraining order against me."

I declare it officially spring in the Algarve!

Well this is sexy: combined influenza and covid test.

Protip: do not buy tests from Lidl. Maybe the top one is weakly positive. The bottom one appears to be an elephant.

Made myself an Apple Watch strap.

My haul from the @Raspberry Pi :raspberrypi: shop: two BME688s and a ZeroW

WARNING! I have a marlinspike and I’m not afraid to use it!

Attempt 4: spliced, bicolour

Improving my paracord skills. Attempt 1 on the left with a clasp. Middle is attempt 2 which is a strap knotted together at the end (the knot is ugly). Right is attempt 3 which is a single loop, spliced at the end. I’ve ordered some elastic to make them elasticated and a marlinspike.

Finished my belt! Here’s a pic of me holding it. Took a few attempts to get the length just right.


Testing with Friendica. Does it support the thing no other app has yet managed? Photo upload!

It was a lovely day today, so we went for a drive up into the mountains and met this friendly woofer!