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Typical bsky exchange.

!Friendica Developers Hi. Just updated to 2023.12

I'm not sure it should look like this?

Disney, are you on crack?

Anchored in Dominica. Walked up through the rainforest to the old British artillery battery to get a view over the bay, and then to the fort that the British army built (or rather, that their slaves built. I honestly can't imagine the unspeakable evil and sheer misery it must have been to do forced labour in this climate).

Anyway, the fort is now a museum and the area around it, a national park where the rainforest has been allowed to regrow. More recently, the establishment of the national park was assisted with an EU grant. Dominica isn't in the EU, but it retains ties to Britain which was an EU member at the time.

Got to see our ship, the Star Flyer (foreground) anchored in the bay, with her sister ship, the Royal Clipper (background), from the fort.

Just sailed alongside our big sister ship, the Royal Clipper, while passing into the lee of Dominica island in the Caribbean. Got a couple of very nice photos with the Fuji X-E4 and a 230mm zoom lens.

Most people think the the Great Lakes are the largest bodies of water in the United States, but it’s actually this hotel toilet here in Miami.

The amount of hydroelectricity produced when you flush it is enough to power a large town! #CoolFacts

A watched goat never burns.

Sometimes you just say exactly the right thing.

Went for a walk after dinner to say hello to the Atlantic.

@Miguel Arroz That sounds profoundly buggered indeed.

Touchwood I’m ok. The 6 days uptime is because of a power outage 6 days ago.

Tesco were so preoccupied with the fact that they COULD, they never stopped to wonder whether they SHOULD.

Picked up an RPi 5 with the active cooler. Very shiny!

The CFM LEAP-1B high bypass turbofan is surely a chonky boi!

Yet another lightning connector dies from
Electrolysis. Been cold plugging this one; it’s a lightning to USB C adaptor, and I’m working on the basis that cold plugging will extend the life.

But it still has a life expectancy of only a few months. My phone charges inductively but the iPad needs this fucking cursed connector.

I hate it with a passion. Useless piece of shit that doesn’t do the goddam thing it’s fucking supposed to.

Captured this at sunset at Faro Beach and the Ria Formosa last night with my XE-4 and its new telephoto lens.

New dress. It has pockets!

Bonus 6am coffee spooooopy infra red content.

ARGH! ARGH! ARGH! Thought I’d seen the last of these bastard things (Australian mealybug).

But it appears some survived my total war back in June, presumably by hiding through the summer in the soil.

As a holding pattern, they’ve got a heavy dose of Chateau Isopropyl 2023 while I go and procure more pesticide.

I swear, they’re harder to get rid of than a fucking TERF infestation.

And if not dealt with, they will cause total ecosystem collapse amongst my plants. They kill everything.

I hate them so much.

Hopefully I’ve shared this right. Anyway, I did this at the weekend. It broke me. 34 kilometres. 30° C, 800 metres of ascent.

So I have stupidly decided to do it again next year.

While I can still barely stand up because of the DOMS.

I must be loopy.

Some people’s partners leave crumbs in their bed.

My darling wife leaves a chicken carcass, like she’s some sort of cat or some shit.

Standard British things that you don’t realise are creepy and authoritarian as fuck when you grow up in the UK.

These are meant to frighten you. You can safely throw them in the bin.

Found a microwave that wasn’t enshittified.

The condensation on my skylight makes the aircraft warning light of the crane opposite look like a supernova or some shit

Welcome to Britain or the United States! We are very advanced! P.S. your house is made of fucking paper or some shit.

Random internet men can U not 2023

Practice, practice, practice, get wet, practice...

And the pivot turn starts to look almost competent!

A few years ago, Cambridge City Council became the first of many local authorities in the UK to start dismantling its trans equality policy. Here, today, they are flying the progress pride flag from their offices.

Hypocritical bullshitters. We see you.

Jaws theme intensifies

The endless glamour of yachting! Time to sip the forbidden milkshake (yes, there is a good reason, and yes, it has to be a plastic straw)

It's that time of year again

Night time view from new flat in UK

From the trotinete (e-scooter) rental scheme I use in Faro. It may be passive aggressive, but it made me laugh.