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in reply to Sarah Brown

whenever Vanuatu is mentioned I always think of IHP and feel grateful to the nation of Vanuatu for helping me through the first months of my transition while the gatekeepers were keeping gate

Content warning: Gaza

in reply to Sarah Brown

Content warning: Gaza

in reply to Sarah Brown

Content warning: Gaza

Watching a bit of the snooker final. I had forgotten just how infuriating a commentator John Virgo is.
in reply to Alexandra Lanes

I was so glad they switched away from him after the interval!

Prone to doomscrolling the hours of insomnia away on Reddit because whatever.

Anyway, it seems heterosexual women getting all divorcy because their partners still wank is a thing.

And I’m like, “wow, your relationships are so very not like ours”.

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in reply to Sarah Brown

I remember this topic coming up at my university (mixed) halls of residence, and one of the guys turning to one of the girls and saying “Emma, guys wank.”

One of the most concisely truthful bits of education I’ve ever seen. 😂

This entry was edited (2 days ago)
in reply to Sarah Brown

@Sarah Brown Imagine a succession of "er, what, eh, uh" noises. Do they somehow think their husbands are having affairs with themselves or something?

As someone with some unwanted experience in this, the answer is “no”.

Just trust me here.

Would you want to spend a week as someone of the opposite sex? Why/Why not?

#CriticalQuestions #Quiz #PubQuiz #StayHome #StaySafe #StayHomeStaySafe

in reply to Sarah Brown

@CriticalCupcake I totally trust you but it might be like those daft challenges to live on poverty wages for a week? If you knew it was going to come to an end shortly it might be less unbearable? I suspect I couldn't live as a man, I would have no clue how to pass and I would probably get attacked.
in reply to RGB

@RGB @Critical Cupcake I know there are cis people who tried this for “an experiment” and had to stop because they had a nervous breakdown.

The results are in for the English and Welsh council elections, and the shitbag Tories have come third.


Maybe spend less time obsessing about where we pee, eh guys?

in reply to Sarah Brown

I am delighted and relieved but I daren't hope it'll improve nationally cos Labour is only "less bad" not necessarily any good.

My area did ditch our Tory mayor tho, the one who has been distancing himself from the parliamentary party while also being the life partner of Michael Fabricant which Makes No Sense At All Cos He's A Scary Loon.

in reply to Sarah Brown

i’m super new to this whole Fediverse but knowing that makes me even more glad to be here!
in reply to Sarah Brown

incidentally, this is why many activists (or faketivists) don't like fedi: they need to forcefully push their message and they can't. And one can have opposite opinions depending on whether they consider the message to be good or evil. I, for one, value this property of the fediverse very much.

#ukpol #transphobia Why does anyone still think the Guardian is a progressive newspaper? Their latest fun is an “exposé” of being able to buy HRT on the internet.

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Hey Tories! While you’re coming third in your elections, I’m in ur country, being trans with intent to use a public toilet 🖕🏻

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in reply to Sarah Brown

@Sarah Brown How very dare you use the toilet for people with detached heads.

So that Jurassic Park, a creature-feature starring Tyrannosaurus Rex and Velociraptor, is named after a period that occurred over seventy million years before those animals evolved.

I am unreasonably annoyed by this.

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So there’s a thing about these right wing Americanists who want to force women back into “traditional gender roles” that I don’t get: they come from the bit of America where the music is all about women in traditional gender roles, trapped in an abusive marriage, murdering their husbands.


Or drink coffee with arsenic in it. Your choice.

in reply to Sarah Brown

Goodbye, Earl.
(Srsly though here in the US this would more typically end with Earl murdering Wanda & probably Maryanne, too, if she lived in easy driving distance.)

Content warning: UK Transphobia

Dear god. I thought we left bullshit like “debate me bro!” in response to safety warnings to marginalised communities behind on fucking Twitter.

Apparently not. No, you do not get debated. You get blocked and fucking purged from the server.

in reply to Sarah Brown

One reason I've not run a server here. The admins deal with it, and they're great at it.

I see a sea-lion about once every four months, if that

Useful into for UK trans feminine people

Pharmacies in Portugal (verified) and Spain (unverified) will often sell oestrogen HRT over the counter to tourists without a prescription. If you watch Ryanair prices, you could day trip there for £50 or less.

This will likely be cheaper and potentially safer than using an internet pharmacy.

2mg estradiol is readily available in pill form.

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in reply to Sarah Brown

@StuffByBez @jen To my understanding this is mostly if you use overly high doses, which is sadly kinda common because medical professionals are idiots and often don’t take into account that E is an anti-androgen and prescribe full 50mg pills.


The linked document is being circulated amongst NHS service providers for young trans people. It advises cessation of ALL medical intervention for transition but goes further. It suggests that if the patient or parents continue to access trans healthcare outside their system, they should be reported to social services with the implicit threat that the children will be taken from their parents.


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in reply to Tormod Halvorsen

@Tormod Halvorsen You may well say that, and i wouldn’t argue.

Sadly, the health system in the UK is institutionally transphobic, and always has been.

in reply to Alexandra Lanes

Do you not have a Parish Councillor to vote for? 😄

No a more serious note, it's a nice day outside up here. Is it your way?

in reply to kæt

@kæt Relatively warm, bit of a breeze. This of course means the temperature is going to drop ten degrees overnight.
in reply to Alexandra Lanes

@kæt Mood keeps going up and down. Had @Sarah Brown and Syv around for tea earlier which was nice but I seem to have limited cope.
in reply to kæt

@chiffchaff police commissioner here, which is awful. Anyone off any stripe who wants to be in charge of the police is fash until proven otherwise in my book.
in reply to Sesquipedality

@sesquipedality I did vote for a police commissioner this time, though often I spoil the ballot. I've been less worried since it became clear they do nothing at all. But I should get back into the habit of spoiling.

I probably shouldn't have been told this, so I won't name names, but I've heard some hilarious Police Commissioner spoils from counters, from people venting about the police and their conduct to votes for Inspectors Morse, Frost, and Clouseau: it's a bit of an art-form, apparently, particularly for that particular post.

in reply to kæt

@chiffchaff @sesquipedality I did consider, as there are four candidates here, labelling the boxes A C A B


nebula reshared this.

in reply to Sarah Brown

After your unholy piss and exiting that place, I hope you have a better day.
in reply to Sarah Brown


Alexandra Lanes reshared this.

Since apparently some of my friends are unaware, these are the things that are bothering me and other UK trans people: - the UK government’s latest transphobic shit. 1/3

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Content warning: TERF bullshit, but it’s funny, in a pathetic way

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If there's a UK trans person in your life, check on them.

They probably aren't OK right now.


in reply to Sarah Brown

it's been hard. I've got friends who are definitely struggling right now.
Things seem very uncertain is probably the nicest way to say "it's probably going to be more of the same after the election"

I am constantly amazed at how thin the skins of TERFs are. They would not last 5 minutes as a trans woman.
in reply to Sarah Brown

The absolute epitome of “dishing it out, but unable to take it”

I am constantly amazed at how thin the skins of TERFs are. They would not last 5 minutes as a trans woman.

Hearing some news on the grapevine that pubic lice would stop sucking blood if only their victims weren’t so mean to them.

Also, coincidentally, transphobes are very new to the whole, “taking responsibility for your own actions” thing.

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in reply to Sarah Brown

@Alisdair Calder McGregor aaaaasanyway, must dash. Got a subtropical sunset to watch over my citrus trees, safe in the knowledge that I have no pubic lice.

Trans people in the UK ten years ago: “We want equality and timely medical care.”

Trans people in the UK now: “Please, just stop hitting us with that baseball bat.”

in reply to Sarah Brown

I remember around 2015ish, when you predicted that there'd be US-style toilet laws in the UK someday. I remember thinking that that was a bit far-fetched, but I've now changed my mind. Labour aren't going to be any kinder towards British trans folks, are they? 😞
in reply to Llwynog

@Llwynog I don’t think they’re going to try so hard to be evil, but I don’t think they’re going to undo any of what’s happened either.

I wish I’d been wrong a decade ago.

You guys ever dwell on how fortunate we are to have been born after the development of anaesthesia?
in reply to Sarah Brown

Aged 10 (late C19), my grandmother's aunt went paddling and her feet were cut by a piece of tin. They became infected (I presume they developed gangrene). By the time she saw a doctor, the only solution was amputation. Both feet, on the kitchen table of the girl's house, without anaesthetic. Apparently, she could be heard screaming from outside the house.

It's besides the point, but they could've given her tourniquet anaesthesia as a non-pharmaceutical option.

Weird asthma attack tonight. Lots of Ventolin taken. Barely touched it. Always fun when part of you is trying really hard to die.

My language learning web page ( has gone all political today on this 50th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution in Portugal. This means I know how to say "I will abolish the death penalty".
in reply to kæt

@kæt In 1974 Eurovision had already been and gone on the 6th April! But Portugal's entry was played 50 years ago at 22:55
in reply to Alexandra Lanes

@Alexandra Lanes @kæt Amusing AF to consider that it was up against Waterloo.
in reply to Sarah Brown

@goatsarah I remember watching a replay of that contest, I don't remember it (but then again, I don't remember any except Waterloo).

in reply to Alexandra Lanes

@sundogplanets ob

Michael O’Leary is a real life shitposter who plays the press like a fiddle, and here he is doing it again.

We live in a time where anyone could do a quick check to see if a 737-8200 could reach Rwanda from the UK (ok, fuelling stops are possible but it seems unlikely that would be favoured), and confirm that, no, it cannot.

But “journalists” don’t apparently bother to actually investigate … anything.

So O’Leary gets his name in the media again for free.

Aslak Raanes reshared this.

Is Grogu Gillick-competent? Do they have Cafcass in a galaxy far, far away?

Sion [main] reshared this.

Fantasy problem questions...

Suppose you are the judge in the fictitious case of Djarin v Skywalker. The parties each seek a child arrangements "live with" order in respect of a child, G. How would you apply the welfare checklist in s1(3) of the Children Act 1989?

in reply to Alexandra Lanes

the no order principle applies -making no order is definitely better than being lightsabered in two by an adorable moppet.
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

Alexandra Lanes reshared this.

Re A (A Minor)

In this key case, the judges were in a chord.

Content warning: Spoilers for Fallout and Silo

in reply to Sarah Brown

Content warning: Spoilers for Fallout and Silo

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to FoolishOwl

Content warning: Spoilers for Fallout and Silo

in reply to Sarah Brown

Content warning: Spoilers for Fallout and Silo

No, no, I get it: glass is a terrible material for ceilings.